Therapeutic Pilates is excited to resume in-person sessions! The following steps are being taken to protect patients and help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
All sessions are one-on-one.
Fewer patients are scheduled so that patient care does not overlap and there is time for thorough cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation between patients.
Health screenings and temperature checks prior to each session. *Anyone with a fever of 100 or more or who does not pass the screening will need to either reschedule or have a video session.*
All patients are asked to wait in their car or outside until no earlier than 5 minutes before appointment time.
Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment.
All patients are required to wear a face mask (just like me) at all times. Please bring your own mask.
All patients are required to wash hands with soap and water upon arrival to appointment.
We will strive to remain a minimum of 6’ apart.
All touched surfaces will be disinfected after each patient with an EPA-approved disinfectant.
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) fan/filtration systems with UV chamber and ozone-safe ionizer will be running to increase filtration and enhance air cleaning.
Natural ventilation (opening the exterior door) to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air will be utilized between patients (or more often as environmental conditions and building requirements allow).